Spring - What a wonderful time of the year!

After being cooped up for so many months, it's so nice to open the door and walk outside, and it feels so good to have the warm sun shining on your face.

Slowly the garden is coming alive and today I helped it along by hauling out the birdbath.  I'm sure the birds are looking forward to a nice bath after a long flight back.

Now the real work begins.  Yard cleanup!!!! Yuke! But, it has to be done, and things need to be cleaned up so that my little seedlings have a place in the garden.

Speaking of seedlings, I've been growing mine since the end of February.  Now, if you are new to my page and you don't know about my garden series, I have videos to get you started.  You still have time to follow along. If you are new to gardening altogether, that is ok too.  You can be very adventurous by growing your seed yourself, or you can buy the plants when they become available. Either way, you should start in the garden. The satisfaction of growing something either from seed or from a plantling is a great feeling.

You can start with this first video, "Planning your Garden". Every idea works out a lot better with a good plan.

Once you have that covered, then what? Well, seed selection is always a good way to go. To help you out you can watch this video that I created. 

Now, if you want to see the progress of what I'm planning, you can always check out my latest video, which is an update.

Also, be sure to follow, either here, on Pinterest, Instagram, or on YouTube, so that you can follow along and share your gardening adventure with me.

Have fun gardening, and enjoy your season.

