How To Fix Crystallized Honey...

Honey is a beautiful and natural resource that we get from our friend the honey bee.  It's delicious, sweet, and great in tea.  But, have you ever had honey crystallize in the jar?  You know when it gets all crunchy, it doesn't flow nicely and it breaks your toast apart.  There is a reason for that.

Honey is a highly concentrated sugar solution. It contains more than 70% sugars and less than 20% water because honey contains an extra amount of sugar than it could naturally hold. The overabundance of sugar makes honey unstable.


I have a very easy solution to fix the problem and it's super, super easy. What you need is a saucepan and put enough water to reach the level of honey in the jar.  Heat the water to a boil and then remove it from the heat.

Take the lid off of the honey jar and immerse the jar in the water. Let it stand for about 20-30 minutes. The heat will slowly dissolve the crystals and become liquid again. Stir occasionally to even the heat throughout the honey.  Replace the hot water if needed. Remove the jar of honey from the water bath when honey becomes liquid again. This works well with honey in glass jars, but not so well with plastic containers.

The plastic containers can warp or melt. If you have honey in a plastic container set in warm water, instead of hot water. What I sometimes do is put honey that is in a plastic container in a glass container and put it in a hot water bath to get it back to liquid.

~ Canadian Girl