Looking at getting away from chicken? I do love chicken, pork and sometimes even beef but there are times that I would like a little seafood and this recipe is very easy to make. I try and create a recipe that doesn't really need a lot of speciality items.
You should have most if not all in the cupboard. If not they are easy to find in the grocery store. This little recipe really takes no time at all and is very light in taste.
To get started you need to boil your pasta as described on the package and set it aside. We will combine everything together at the end or if you wish you can put the sauce on top of the pasta at the end.
While the pasta is cooking, this would be a good opportunity to take the tails off the shrimp. It's very easy to do. All you need to do is pinch the tail and pull. Then take the shell off the back.
Once that is completed using a large pan, add butter and garlic. After a bit add your shrimp and cook until they are pink.
Remove the shrimp from the pan once they have turned a nice pink colour. Once the shrimp have been removed add your flour, bone broth, white wine, and lemon juice to the pan. If you require a video to watch I have made one to help with this part of the recipe.
Give it a good stir. This is the time when you can either add your pasta back to the pot or you can put the pasta in a large bowl and pour the lemon shrimp over top.
Once everything is combined or in the bowl of your choice, sprinkle a bit of parsley on top and some lemon wedges for garnish.
If you require more details as to how to make this recipe, I have created a video that may help. I find watching someone cook makes it much easier sometimes than to try and figure out what the person is trying to say. I have also provided you with a recipe page that you can print out as well.
Enjoy, and if you have any questions, please feel free to comment below or on my YouTube channel. Thank you so much for visiting and until next time.
~ Susan